data labeling company in Vietnam

The world’s leading innovators trust us

Everything we do at SIBAI is to elevate your business growth. By combining human talent and AI, we strive to handle our customers’ most complex labeling needs, helping them set their minds at rest. With a pool of +200 well-trained annotators/data labeling service provider in diverse areas, we can provide the most suitable solutions that you are looking for, anytime you need.


Experienced matters

At SIBAI, we understand the importance of accuracy, speed, and variations in data formats. That is why we always carefully choose the top-notch data labelers, ensuring to address your entire training data lifecycle at its finest.


High quality and big scale does not necessarily come at a high cost. We strive to offer the lowest costs for any of your data labeling services without compromising quality.


We provide scalable solutions powering your growth. No project is too small or too large for us. We can handle every scale and complication with accuracy, security and speed.